- Talk to the Branch Personnel – Sales and Service Head or Officer Designate.
- You may also contact the Bank’s Customer Service through the following channels 24/7:
Customer Care Hotline:
Credit Card Customer Care Hotline:
- (+632) 8818-9818
- 1-800-10-8189818 (Domestic
Toll free)
Online Communication (for both
Domestic and Overseas):
- Facetime –
Facetime1@pnb.com.ph (iOS
- Skype – @PNB_Skype1 (Android
- PNB Facebook private messaging
E-mail Addresses:
- Your full name and contact details
- Nature of concern and details* (nature of concern could be transactional, customer servicing, etc.,)
Details of concern may include:
- Amount of transaction
- Date of transaction
- Account/Card Number
- Processing time may vary depending on the type of concern
- Resolution requested (Resolution could be posting of unposted payment or fund transfer, an explanation to a questioned transaction or personnel behavior, and other applicable action which will address the concern)
- Other information related to the concern (if necessary)
Reminder: Do not disclose your PIN/ OTP or Password to anyone. These are not necessary for PNB to evaluate your concern.
- Receive and acknowledge your concerns.
- Record your concern through the Bank’s centralized logging tool for monitoring of status. A reference number will be provided to you.
- Make an initial verification of your concerns
- Process / resolve your concerns or coordinate with the appropriate resolving office for resolution.
- Provide you feedback, as applicable. (feedback may be in the form of an email, a formal letter or a phone call)
- Request for your feedback, if necessary.
Note: PNB is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).
BSP Webchat – https://www.bsp.gov.ph
SMS: 21582277 (for Globe subscribers only)
BSP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BangkoSentralng