

Make your corporate payroll wiser. PayWise automates the distribution of salaries and related compensation & benefits to your employees. It can electronically transfer funds to target employee accounts and is capable of generating reports.

How It Works

  1. Prepare your payroll file and send it to us electronically via PNB C@shNet Plus.
  2. The payroll file will be automatically processed and your employees’ accounts credited.
  3. Your employees can now withdraw from any of the ATM networks nationwide at their convenience. Withdrawal from a non PNB ATM is subject to service charge.
  4. To keep you updated on the status of your payment, you may view, print, and download payment status reports in different formats.


  • Electronic Data Transfer. Submission of payroll file may be done electronically thereby eliminating physical delivery of diskettes and instructions
  • Funds Availability. Immediately credits to employees’ payroll account upon receipt of payment instruction
  • Instant Return. Immediately credits back the company’s payroll mother account in case credit to employees account is unsuccessful
  • Nationwide Coverage. Employees may open their Payroll Savings Account at any of the Bank’s more than 700 online branches

Tel. No.: (+632) 8526 3131

Customer Care

Bank Hotline
Tel. No.: (+632) 8573-8888
PNB Cards
Tel. No.: (+632) 8818 9818
Philippine National Bank (PNB) is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
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